Productos ortopédicos
Ortésis craneales
Es una ortésis dinámica y progresiva que requiere un ajuste específico para lograr los resultados deseados. El primero de estos objetivos debe de ser lograr la simetría craneal. La aplicación de la ortesis craneal correctora no debe nunca alterar el crecimiento craneal, sino su dirección.
El tratamiento ortésico consiste en un contacto total en las zonas donde no se desea crecimiento y una expansión en las zonas donde sí se desea. El período crítico para el éxito del tratamiento está entre los 4 y los 12 meses de edad, cuando la cabeza del niño está en un crecimiento activo.
Si la forma de la cabeza del bebé tiene asimetría debemos encontrar, cuando no se utilice la ortesis, posturas seguras de la cabeza de forma que las prominencias soporten el peso, de esta manera las zonas que requieren un crecimiento no se ven oprimidas. La limpieza del casco debe de ser diaria.
Ortésis craneales a medida
+ 500
Pacientes satisfechos+ 38
Años de experiencia+ 5
Profesionales cualificados+ 10
ReconocimientosCardioly Overview
Our Technicians believe in the value that give you high quality of technology for your health safety. We have specialist for emergency health care service in your home at on time. They are highly trained for quickly response and provide great service to the our patients. We feel that our professional are give profitability and success of heart surgery & treatments.
- Consist of clear trays that are changed out
- Orthodontic appliances may also be a part
- Lingual braces are attached like
- Traditional metal braces but less noticeable
- Orthodontic appliances may also be a part
- Consist of clear trays that are changed out
Health Tips & Info
We feel that our technicians are best part of heart hospital is often unrecognized for its contribution to the profitability & success of a hospital. We believe in success of our hospital in the world.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.